Maintenance vs Repairs

Maintenance vs Repairs

As a property owner, keeping your investment in top shape is a priority. A well-maintained property helps keep your renters happy, protects your asset, and can even boost the rent you receive. However, when it comes to upkeep, there’s sometimes some confusion about the difference between maintenance and repairs – and how they should be…

Investor Personality Profile – Christmas Edition

Investor Personality Profile – Christmas Edition

Can you imagine our surprise when we discovered that there had been no studies completed (ones that we could find anyway) analysing the Christmas decorating habits of property investors and what these habits say about them.

So, after identifying this very big gap in the “personality profiling market”, we decided to fill it. It’s our gift to you as a property investor.

Because who doesn’t want to know what the date you put up your Christmas tree says about your investment choices?

Navigating the Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill 2024: What Landlords Need to Know

Navigating the Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill 2024: What Landlords Need to Know

The Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill 2024 has been approved by the NSW Parliment and expected to come into effect in early 2025.  While these changes in regulation are aimed at enhancing tenant protections, it raises important questions: are property owners’ rights being eroded? Is the NSW Government overstepping by increasing its involvement in landlords’ decision-making?…

Summer Lovin’ When you are a Rental Property Owner

Summer Lovin’ When you are a Rental Property Owner

Although it is not officially summer yet, temperatures are heating up fast and it looks like we are going to be experiencing another hot one. News reporters love a good weather “record” and have been gleefully sharing that the Bureau of Meteorology’s (BOM) weather modelling has indicated that we are facing one of the hottest…

Do I need to provide a Dryer for my tenants?
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Do I need to provide a Dryer for my tenants?

When it comes to being a Landlord there are can be many responsibilities and considerations to address. One common question that owners of rental property grapple with is whether they need to provide a clothes dryer for their tenants. Given that Rightside is based in the Norther Beaches of Sydney in New South Wales, so…