Covid-19 Support for Landlords from NSW Government
In NSW, landlords will now be able to apply for a land tax concession of up to 25 per cent of their 2020 calendar year…
In NSW, landlords will now be able to apply for a land tax concession of up to 25 per cent of their 2020 calendar year…
From 23 March 2020 there are changes to the NSW tenancy legislation coming into effect and this included new obligations on landlords in relation to the annual…
If you’re considering placing a bid on your dream home, you might be feeling overwhelmed. You want to make sure…
Sometimes life isn’t as predictable as what we thought it would be and you might find that you will be moving house sooner than expected. If you are renting it can be a little…
A gorgeous garden is a real asset to a property for both selling and renting. However when it comes to rental properties the upkeep can be an issue. As an owner, if you rent…
If you are a landlord in NSW and your Tenant has just told you they will be moving on, you might be thinking …
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